The Forest Products Certification Group, LLC provides an opportunity for companies that use forest products to buy and sell Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified products with professional experienced assistance and a reduced cost. In addition:
- FSC Certification brings you more business
- Holding an FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) certificate entitles companies to market and sell products as “FSC Certified.”
- Being FSC ®Certified shows potential buyers that your company meets independent, respected standards.
- FSC Certification allows entry into markets limited to FSC Certified suppliers.
- Often customers and suppliers are required to complete their “Chain of Custody” documentation in order for them to maintain their own certification. Sometimes its providing FSC ®documentation going back to the source in the forest. Large suppliers are often required to show the documentation chain through to the retail dealer. Your company’s ability to meet their needs is important to them and therefore is important to your business.
- FSC enhances your chances to capture projects, such as in LEED certified buildings. in public buildings and for companies wishing to showcase their environmental awareness provide unique opportunities for FSC Certified suppliers. Often, public recognition is included along with the income.
- FSC Certification allows new potential customers and purchasing agents to know something about you that is a positive.
- By offering FSC Certification in public settings, you become known as a supplier in that niche. Others, not included on lists and in publications, may lose the sale for not being thought of a potential supplier.
- Being viewed as a source for environmentally sustainable products has brought in customers and winning bids, even when non-certified products are involved in their purchase. Bringing potential customers to your door is one of the best reasons to being known as a FSC certified source.
- FSC Certification provides a level playing field among contenders for product sales in the arena of demonstrating a concern for the environment.
- FSC Certification may be used in supporting the pricing of products.
- Some business folks holding FSC Certification justify it by saying, “Lose a sale; lose an account.”
- Confirms that you are socially responsible
- FSC Certification provides respected, independent verification that the company is an environmentally responsible entity.
- FSC provides independent, third-party confirmation that the company’s product sources do not contain illegally harvested wood and the company is part of the effort to reduce the risk of illegal logging violations.
- Builds Valuable relationships
- Customers respect the fact that companies are environmentally conscious.
- The community respects companies that show a concern for the environment.
- Craftspeople and other company employees respect an employer who cares about people and the environment. This may be one of the most important, yet least thought of, benefits of FSC Certification.
- You are able to provide inspiration and leadership within your industry through FSC Certification.
- FSC Certification is good for the environment and is good for the image of your industry.